Saturday, July 26, 2014

No better time then today

So I'm going to start off by saying I am NOT a certified personal trainer, nor am ia nutritionist. These are my personal struggles with obtaining a healthy lifestyle. The only thing I can hope to come from this blog, is that my experience will help others with similar struggles.

Today I woke up just like any other day went and made my coffee, then stepped on the scale. I've known for quite some time that my pants are getting tighter , but I had no idea how out of control my weight had gotten .  209 was the number on the scale.

7 years ago I was a happy 21 year old and health and fitness was number one. I worked out everyday, mixing up my workouts to keep it fresh. I counted my calories and made sure I was receiving the nutrition that would get me through the day. After falling madly in love with a great man I decided to move across the country. This is all new and exciting and I couldn't wait to start my new life. I  moved to a suburb in South Jersey. Never being in the East Coast it is quite an experience. Even though I was still crazy in love, I found myself feeling very alone. Me and my boyfriend found it extremely hard to make and keep friends. I missed my family and friends so much I think I began  to bury my feelings with food. I quickly gained about 15 pounds in the first year. After that it is pretty much been a rollercoaster of weight loss & gain. After realizing me and my boyfriend where never really going to be happy in New Jersey we decided to move back to Arizona to be closer to family and friends.

Now that I am here I am hoping you get back in to my old routine but I have found it has been a challenge. I know this road to weight loss and health will not be an easy one. I am more ready now I have ever been to getting back to me. I am hoping this bond will keep me accountable to the challenging goals I have set for myself . I will be posting workouts, recipes and delicious alternative foods that I discover. I hope you will join me on this journey.